To establish a sense of oneness in order to share the dreams and aspirations, at the same time help fulfill the vision of the college has been a long cherished desire. To achieve this...
To serve the moral, spiritual and socio-psychological well-being of students, counselling is offered to anyone who might need support and guidance. The counsellor has pastoral responsibility for all members of the college and is...
To ensure moral and spiritual well-being of students, Alder College Fellowship (ACF) organises weekly fellowship for students. Human values, life lessons and moral teachings are imparted to students by qualified and experienced resource persons from...
The election of Alder College Students’ Union (ACSU) for the tenure 2023-2024 was held on 19 August, 2023 at Dr. Setu Memorial Hall, Alder College. The elected office bearers for the session of 2023-2024...
Co-Curricular: In order to guarantee a balanced growth the institute promotes a healthy dose of co-curricular activities. Accordingly, literary competition, painting competition, dramas etc. are organised regularly. For all these activities the huge and...
The college aims to impart a comprehensive and value- based education keeping in view an all- round development of the students. What is taught and learned is expanded