Cells & Units
Alder College has taken strategic measures in its endeavour to pursue quality assured education.keeping in mind the all round development of the student, the institution has setup various cells, units and committee with the aim to facilitate personality development and human values. Its aim is also to enable the students to face day-to-day issues in the campus.
As learning and serving are like two sides of a scale, the institute aims to maintain a balanced outlook among the students by encouraging them to contribute something positive about the good things they learn. Some of the ways in which this is done is by involving them in such activities like RRC, Eco Club, Peace Channel, NSS. Students are encouraged to participate in the activities of the various cells/Clubs to promote core values of life
Different Cells, Alder College
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC):
Aims & Objectives:
Chaired by the Principal, the Cell comprises Head of various Departments, Chairman, Co- ordinator, Dean, Board and Local Members . The Cell is entrusted with the responsibility of planning and monitoring the academic standard of the college as well as infrastructural facilities. This Cell functions as an advisory, recommendatory, monitoring and executing body. Timely meetings are held to assess the progress of the various ongoing programmes and to coordinate among the various Cells and Committees set up. Presently, the foremost task of the cell is preparation for Assessment by NAAC.

Career Guidance Cell:
Aims & Objectives:
This cell has been set up to provide guidance regarding career options in this competitive and dynamic society. The cell actively conducts workshops inviting prominent resource persons.
Grievance Redressal Cell
Aims & Objectives:
This Cell is entrusted with the responsibility of addressing the grievances of the students. Timely sittings with select students are conducted which permits students to express their appeals and grievances, and these issues are placed in the IQAC meetings for appropriate redressal.

Women Development Cell
Aims & Objectives:
This Cell will tackle issues arising from sexual harassment, eve teasing, gender discrimination, and so on.

Research and Development Cell
Aims & Objectives:
This Cell takes care of research activities of both teachers and students.

Anti-Ragging Cell
Aims & Objectives:
This cell is set up with the purpose to prevent and eliminate ragging in all its forms from the institution.

Mentor-Mentee Cell
Aims & Objectives:
This cell has been set up to guide the students at a personal level. A number of students are assigned to senior and experienced teachers as mentors. The mentee meets the mentee on a regular basis. The mentor meets the parents/guardians at least once a semester and keep them updated about their wards overall performance

Counselling Cell:
Aims & Objectives:
This is set up to monitor the individual growth of the students and also to address any personal problems the students may have.

Different Alder Units
Womens' Forum
Aims & Objectives:
The forum is a capacity building mechanism stressing on leadership and confidence training through participation and includes all girl students of the college as its members.

Student Welfare:

Eco Club:
Eco-club is a platform which comprises of students from the 5th and 6th semesters. The eco-club takes up various activities for the betterment of the environment such as cleanliness drives and plantation drives within the premises and outside the local areas. Through this club the students are encouraged to learn and innovate various methods for sustainable development. It motivate and empower the students to take initiatives regarding various eco-friendly invention and methods.
The main objective of the eco-club is to educate the students and general public about the various means to develop a clean and hygienic environment.
The eco-club members actively participate in various programmes to learn and adopt new methods of eco-friendly counter-parts of non-biodegradable materials.
The students are encouraged to take up various activities to maintain a clean and hygienic environment hence, conducting cleanliness drives and plantation campaigns.
The students are made aware of waste management and its various advantages and are introduce to recycling waste materials as well as usage of bio-degradable materials which are re-usable i.e. eco-friendly.
NSS & Red Ribbon Club:
Aims & Objectives:
This unit stresses on development of students’ personality through community service and creates awareness on HIV & AIDS and Blood Donation.
Youth Red Cross:
Aims & Objectives:
This unit aims to inculcate among the students the ideal and profit of humanitarian service and to foster civic responsibility

Peace Channel:
Aims & Objectives:
Peace Channel works to educate the youth in peace and human rights education.

Academic Committee:
Aims & Objectives:
The committee has been set up to take important academic decisions such as evaluation and examination reforms, and to monitor classroom teaching, course completion and so on. So far a visible improvement has been observed in the quality performance through the efforts of this Committee. In addition, the Committee assists in the administration of the college. It is headed by the Principal with Head of Departments as its members.

Examination Branch:
Aims & Objectives:
This branch is headed by the Principal assisted by a select teacher who is Teacher-In-Charge of examinations. This branch ensures the smooth functioning of examinations by taking care of planning all internal as well as external examinations in the college. Besides being an exam centre for several years, the college has been granted the status of Exam Data Centre..

Aims & Objectives:
Peace Channel works to educate the youth in peace and human rights education.
