sambhav International Travelling Film Festival 2022
The two-day SamaBhav International Travelling Film Festival on Gender Diversity and Inclusion was organised in Alder College, Kohima today. The festival was organisedbyWomenDevelopmentCell,AlderCollege,BodhanaTrustandMumbai-basedorganisation,MenAgainstViolence&Abuse.
SamaBhav,whichmeans“equanimity”,showcasescontemporaryshort,documentaryandfeaturefilmsaboutdiscriminationagainstwomenandothergenderminorities.Toxicmasculinity,homophobia,transphobiaand gender issues are amongthetopicscoveredbytheselectedfilms.National and international short films, documentaries and feature films on such issues were being screened including The Bystander Moment,, Gandi Baat, We Need to Talk, Ujjhyo, Kohrra among others.
The screenings at the festival were followed by stirring conversations with activists, filmmakers and academics .The attendees include students from different colleges and organisations in Kohima.